The beauty of bhop_monster_jam is that it's a map designed for all skill classes of bunnyhoppers. From the new player just starting off who wants to jam, all the way up to an experienced hopper who's jammed all his life. One might assume that in order to jam like a pro, you need to hop like a pro, but on bhop_monster_jam, that's simply not the case. I've been jamming all my life and whether you jam now or jam later, eventually the jam catches up to you. It's a simple case of whether you're willing to embrace it or be consumed by it, and frankly, if you've never jammed before, you're missing out on valuable life skills. Have you ever been to China? Or Egypt? Or the moon? You can't say you've lived if you've never jammed, and frankly, you're not my friend if you've never jammed - so get out of those jimjams and come jam on bhop_monster_jam, monster jam, mooonster jam, monster jam, monster jam, monster jam YEAH!